Take your next steps at Redeemer

We are baptized because we believe in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. As a result, when you are deciding if you should take the step to be baptized, the question you are asking is “Am I a Christian? Do I have faith in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection?” We want to help you connect with God and ask these questions in community.

Join A Group
Gospel Communities and Grow Groups are an essential part of getting connected into the life of Redeemer. They are made up of groups of people who are devoted to Jesus, to one another, and to God’s vision for His church. We want to help you get connected.
We desire to see you use your talents and gifts to help build God’s kingdom through Redeemer. Learn how you can get involved with one of many opportunities to serve here at Redeemer.

Covenant membership is an important part of our who we are at Redeemer. We believe there is great value in joining a local church that is committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For The City
We desire to see Redeemer members actively participating in praying for, giving to, and volunteering with all of our For the City partners on a regular basis. Learn how you can serve the vulnerable and see God’s kingdom spread throughout our city.